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Open Reel – Ampex Alignment Tape

Open Reel Standard Alignment Tape - Ampex

After testing on several machines and comparisons made with the computer T-100 system, we have decided that the Ampex Tape is the system standard for alignment pf azimuth and frequency response. Below is the information.

Ampex Test Tape
Ampex Test Tape
Ampex Test Tape

Open Reel Wow and Flutter Tape - Ampex

After testing on several machines and comparisons made with the computer T-100 system, we have decided that the Ampex Tape is the system standard for Wow and Flutter. Below is the information.


Concluding comments
1. This page was done engineering notebook style – Someday in the future it might be added to and typed up in a spreadsheet
2.This is a current system ‘Standard’ subject to revision.

3. The level set on this alignment tape agrees with that of the TEAC level setting tape. That tape is reviewed on another page. 

4. The level on this tape agrees with the level on the Ampex wow and flutter tape.